The Secret To Building Wealth Fast

The secret to building wealth fast comes down to 3 things…

I saw a tweet yesterday by Nick Maggiulli (@dollarsanddata) where he wrote about the secret to become wealthy by 30 comes down to three things:

Now I am not a millionaire (yet), but I have been able to build my net worth by age 25 to over $330,000. I want to share my story & how I was able to build my wealth faster than average.

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I knew that if I wanted to hit my goal of becoming a millionaire by 30 I was going to have to have 1 of those 3 things happen.

  1. Inheritance/Parental Support

    1. Contrary to what a lot of people think, I have not had any parental support on my investing journey. I have learned from them about money, but I have built up my investments to where they are without given a large windfall of money.

  2. A Very High Income (going to skip this one for now)

  3. A Large Income Event (i.e. Crypto/IPO)

    1. I own quite a good amount (in relation to my portfolio size) of crypto, but I haven’t made millions off of it.

    2. I have never had an IPO.

So what did I do to get this much invested by 25?

A very high income.

I knew that if I wanted to hit my investing goals this young, I would need to make more than the average 25 year old. I knew that I was going to have to find a way to make over $100,000 a year. I knew a high income was key.

But that isn’t all.

A high income is great, but that does not automatically mean I would have over $300,000 invested. So why me?

Not only did I find a way to increase my income, I was also very smart with my income. I could have spent it all. I could have bought a Tesla. I could have spent as much as I made… but I didn’t. I made the decision to spend LESS than I make & put that money towards assets. I decided to invest as much as I could (sometimes $4,000 a month) towards long term holds & my assets. Why? Because I knew if I could get a good start on compounding now, it is just a matter of time until it grows a ton when I am older. I know time is key in compounding & I needed to give my investments time. 

So while the secret to some people building wealth fast is from inheritance, while the secret to some people building wealth fast is crypto/IPO, mine has been making more money.

Remember that M1 Portfolio I sold out of & sent to my options account? Well, I just made $1,162 (so far) this week on that money selling options. If you want to learn how, 5 people can get my $50 video course for just $35 (or 30% off). For $35 you can learn how to make $100s or even $1000s every single month on the stocks you already own. My guarantee is if you do not make $35 back in 1 month following my lessons, I will refund you. (Discount code already applied):

My Buys This Week:


(x)Tweet of the Week:

Brb quitting my job & becoming a UPS driver!!!!

Thank you so much for reading & I will see you next week! Until then, keep buying assets & stacking those dividends. 🙂 

- Decade Investor


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