From $400 to $330,000

My first ever investment into the stock market was $400. Now at 25 years old my net worth has grown to over $330,000. This is my story.

Wait a second, let me back up real quick. I know that number is above the median, which is just $39,000 for those under 35 years old (CNBC). I also know there are many people who are 25 (or younger) with more than $330,000 invested. This is simply a post covering my story. Never compare where you are to where someone else is. Only compare yourself to where you were last year, or years prior, that is the real competition. So how did I go from $400 to $330,000??? Well, let me explain…

But first, to keep this newsletter free…

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The best $400 lesson I have ever had…

When I was 17 years old, I opened up an investment account. I deposited $400. At the time, that $400 felt like $1 million haha. I thought I was going to be the next penny stock trader and turn my $400 into millions… well I was wrong… way wrong. After trying to pick 4 random stocks, I ended up losing most of that money.

However, it was the greatest $400 I had ever “spent”!

While that money was gone, the lessons have stuck with me forever. The lesson was really 3 lessons in one:

  1. Don’t invest in what you don’t know.

  2. Better to learn these types of lessons with $400 and not $40,000

  3. Penny stock trading is hard LOL

What did I do with my new lessons?

Well, this is where the “Decade Investor” was born. After losing most of that money I did more research to understand how others build wealth. That is where I came across index funds.

This was the defining moment for me when it came to building wealth. I had a choice between the high risk, penny stock trading or the lower risk, index fund investing. Well, as you probably know, I chose the index fund investing.

Once I did that, it was off to the races!

I then focused on increasing my income so I could shovel as much money as I could into these “boring” index funds. After I was able to get a solid foundation, I added some alternative investing to my portfolio too. But that came after the foundation was set.

Real quick, I just launched a BRAND NEW podcast called The Decade Investor Podcast where I talk every week on all things money! I just released my first episode, which covers more about my story!

You can listen to it on any podcast playing app here:

So what is my secret???

If you want to call it a secret then here it is… find ways to increase your income, cut back your spending & invest the difference.

It is super simple on paper, but difficult to do in practice. But that is my “secret”. I found ways to make more money, live below my means & then with the difference, I invested it into assets.

I want to help you too. I will be able to help you… soon. Stay tuned, I have something coming in the beginning of 2024 that will revolutionize the game for Decade Investors.

(x)Tweet of the Week:

A little more about myself & how I got started posting on social media under Decade Investor!

Thank you so much for reading & I will see you next week! Until then, keep buying assets & stacking those dividends. 🙂 

- Decade Investor


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